Tuesday, May 21, 2013

That awkward moment when...

So I don't even really know how to begin describing how I get myself into these kind of situations, but looking back after a few days have passed and the texts have died down a bit I can only really laugh. I'm still kind of working on the whole social media stuff, because honestly in my personal life I don't really use any of them. I used to be a huge Facebook fan and I just made an Instagram, so somehow when I was posting a picture I accidentally hit the share on Facebook button. I realized right away that I did, but I guess by that point it was a little too late. 

At first I didn't really realize that I had connected my personal Facebook with my Instagram. Cut to me opening Instagram a couple hours later and 50 new followers all of whom I know from the past 18 years of my life. A couple of ex-boyfriends, old bosses, childhood friends, and people I haven't even talked to in like 10 years. Unfortunately I was the kind of guy that if I knew you, we were going to be Facebook friends. 

Thankfully I haven't really gotten any bad responses from the people I've had to scamper to tell not to go broadcasting it all around town, I'm still not really sure who all got the notification so I can't really begin to do any clean up work. I'll share these lovely two conversations with you all, one from our family Nanny, and one from a girl I used to dance with. Hope you all can find as much humor as I can from it, because at this point I've realized there's not really any other emotion that even is worth the time.

Hope to see you all tonight on Ustream! I'll be on at 10:00 PM EST. I'm sure we can talk a little bit more about all of this fun stuff there, because I've got a little bit more damage control to do now.


- Aiden

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