Monday, April 15, 2013

Shoot finished!

So this was supposed to post a few nights ago, but I must have accidentally hit save to drafts. Sorry but I promise if you read through the end will make it all worth it!


So after a phenomenal trip to San Francisco my first big time shoots done and over. I was blessed to shoot with Hot House this past few days working with the gorgeous Alex Andrews, being shot by porn star legend Christian Owen. I met a ton of amazing people including, but not limited to, Jimmy Durano, Jesse Colter, and Tony Buff. My few days in San Francisco turned out to be more than just a work trip. It turned into a mini vacation with work being the main priority.

I found out that the hotel I was at was basically a gay porn star mecca, and all of the gay porn models that are in San Francisco for shoots are all set up in the same hotel for their time in San Francisco. My first night was when I saw Jesse Colter walk in, and I had this idea that I could be shooting with him, and basically went crazy. Jesse has kind of always been the guy I was aiming to be. His success in porn is easy to see. Whether on, or he's made strides. Which I'm all about. He gave me a lot of advice on how to be successful, and I couldn't have asked for better advice.

I had met Tony Buff at the Black Party Expo a few weeks before we saw each other, but when he first came out I wasn't sure if it was him, so I kind of just scoped the situation out trying to figure out if it was really him. I was sitting in the smoking section with two British Lesbians, and Tony came down and kind of just jumped into the conversation. It went from small talk about our days, to a more meaningful conversation about the United States, and all of the different events going on. The whole stigma of porn stars being stupid? Definitely misleading. Tony has a degree in philosophy, and served as a marine, fighting for the US in the first war with Iraq. I learned a lot about things I'd never even contemplated before, and added a little bit from my background.

This is probably not one of the finest memories for the Obama administration, but last year I worked in one of their district offices in communications, I helped set up a majority of Obama's press conferences and speeches in Florida, helping with all press coverage of the election. After a six month stint with them, I moved on to work with Time Magazine for the Republican National Convention, sitting in the press box recording the speeches, as well as taking notes on different things that were happening. I was by no means in support of the Romney campaign but it was amazing seeing history be made right in front of my eyes. Romney will always be in history as the biggest mistake the Republican party has made. 

But back to my trip! I learned a lot about myself as a porn model, as well as more than a few tips on how to be successful in the adult entertainment industry. I'm finally back in Los Angeles, just taking a few day break before I go back to Tampa to get back in the flow of things. Time for the gym, and some tanning to try to get more camera ready.

I definitely didn't miss the traffic or the wait for the bags. But it's nice to finally be home. It was a long trip, but I definitely can't wait to get a full nights sleep, and actually have my bed to myself. I'll update you guys again in a few days about how things in Tampa are! 


- Aiden


So since I accidentally hit save, and not publish, I've got to make it up for you. Here's a picture of my ass, and the dick that will be inside of it later tonight. ;)

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