Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fresh Beginning

After a long month of travels I've finally got some down time and decided to start a blog highlighting my transition into a world I never pictured myself being in. As a small town New Yorker with conservative parents I pictured a path far different than the one I'm going down. Granted, I couldn't be happier with where it's leading me.

Not so long ago I was living in Tampa, Florida, and was in school studying Law. A co-op of course, so nothing too special, but planning on a far different career. I hated everything to do with what my education was bringing, no sleep, long hours writing reports, and internships that basically took up all my free time. Not saying that education is unimportant to me, but when you're learning things they taught in grade school you kind of get fed up.

I got really burnt out and decided I was going to take a break from school for the rest of the semester and ended up basically falling into porn. I got into touch with Jason Sparks, and ended up doing a video with him before I even left Tampa. A few weeks later he asked me to start traveling with him, and began to step up my escorting game. Check out my first scene at Jason's website.

I had decided before meeting Jason that I was going to move to Los Angeles and begin school for Film Production. Granted, in between the start of school and my move I began my travels with Jason, and have still yet to re-register, my intentions were good. Since then I've shot with a few more studios and have plans to shoot more soon. So keep your eyes out, and lets get your dicks hard. 

Now that I've started blogging I won't stop. I mean, once you start something you've got to go full force. Make sure to come by again! ;)


- Aiden

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