Monday, February 17, 2014

So, it's been awhile...

So, quite frankly, I'm not even sure where to begin. It feels like ages since I've given any insight on to how life is or to what's actually going on. Just a tweet here and there leaving, I'm guessing, quite a few people hanging.

To start off with it's probably best to acknowledge the biggest change in my life since I last spoke, which I'm sure many of you could guess, Blake Stone. To sum up our unbelievably complex relationship, I'll say this. I love the boy. Never has someone come into my life and changed it so quickly, and might I add 99% for the positive. The only negative being handling money for two people seems to be a little bit more difficult.

He moved here to Los Angeles in September shortly after my birthday, and literally from the day he walked in I was his. It's been a good length of time already, and to anyone who knows my past relationships, he's the longest.

I'd do just about anything for the boy, and will fight for him no matter what it takes. I'll add on more to that soon, but I should probably keep this as brief as possible seeings how it's not exactly possible to sum up a solid eight months shortly.

I've kind of taken a step back from shooting any videos because honestly, I don't think I'm ready to shoot anymore yet. Not that I'm done for good, but I'd rather focus on myself and get in better shape before I start putting myself on camera. There's absolutely no point in me doing something when I'm not 100% positive that people will be happy with what I'm putting out there.

In the meantime I've decided to step up my escorting game, and start doing cam shows with Blake. This allows me to have a bit of a freer schedule, and I get to do something I know I can put out with confidence. Blake and I have already done a number of shows, and people seem to like it! I'll add the link later to our personal room, as well as our fan club. I'd look the links up now but it's a bit late.

Other than that things really haven't changed too much. The cycle of room mates continue, and I seem to still be lucking out with any and just about everyone that moves in here. Nine times out of ten it's been financial issues, but I think we all remember the crazy one. I have a good amount of pictures to upload over the next few days, and will be doing a complete overhaul of my website Honestly, I've been slacking on a number of fronts the past few months. But in all in good time.

I hope this see's everyone well and happy humping. ;)


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